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7 The ADAPTOR OpenMP Compiler

This section describes in more detail how ADAPTOR compiles OpenMP programs.

7.1 Translation of Parallel Regions

The following example shows a parallel region.

!$OMP parallel private (INODE)
      INODE = omp_get_thread_num()
      write (6,'('' hello world from '',I3)') INODE
!$OMP end parallel

The general idea of the ADAPTOR translation is to create a new subroutine that will be called by all the threads of a team. The team itself will be created by the runtime function DALIB_pthreads.

!     runtime call to create threads executing HELLO1
      call DALIB_pthreads (HELLO1, ...)

      subroutine HELLO1 ()
      integer INODE
      external DALIB_get_thread_num
      integer DALIB_get_thread_num
      INODE = DALIB_get_thread_num()
      write (6,'('' hello world from '',I3)') INODE
      end subroutine HELLO1

Hint: ADAPTOR supports nested parallelism.

7.2 Data Environment

      DO i = 1, n
        v = (i - 0.5d0 ) * w
        v = 4.0d0 / (1.0d0 + v * v)
        gsum = gsum + v
      END DO

      call DALIB_pthreads (CALC_PI1,DALIB_0,DALIB_0,6,GSUM,W,N,DALIB_0,D

      subroutine CALC_PI1 (GSUM, W, N, ...) 
      double precision GSUM_TMP, V, W, GSUM
      integer I, N
      integer IK_STOP1
      integer IK_START1
      GSUM_TMP = 0.0
      call DALIB_do_static_bsched (1,N,1,IK_START1,IK_STOP1)
      do I=IK_START1,IK_STOP1
         V = (REAL(I,8)-0.5d0)*W
         V = 4.0d0/(1.0d0+V*V)
         GSUM_TMP = GSUM_TMP+V
      end do
      call DALIB_enter_critical ()
      call DALIB_leave_critical ()

7.3 Work Sharing

!$omp do schedule (STATIC)
      do I = 1, N, IS
         A(I) = IT + 1
      end do

      call DALIB_do_static_bsched (1,N,IS,IK_START1,IK_STOP1)
      do I=IK_START1,IK_STOP1,IS
         A(A_ZERO+I) = IT+1
      end do

!$omp do schedule (dynamic, ICHUNK), lastprivate (PLAST)
      do I = 1, N, IS
         A(I) = IT + 1
         PLAST = I
      end do

      call DALIB_do_dynamic_sched_init (1,N,IS,ICHUNK)
      do while (DALIB_do_dynamic_sched_next(IK_START1,IK_STOP1))
         do I=IK_START1,IK_STOP1,IS
            A(A_ZERO+I) = IT+1
            PLAST_TMP = I
         end do
      end do
      if (DALIB_is_mp_last()) then
         PLAST = PLAST_TMP
      end if


Each section is executed by a different thread/processor in a dynamic manner. Internally, parallel sections are handled in the following ways:

!$omp parallel private (IT)
!$omp sections
!$omp section
      call XAXIS (AXIS)
!$omp section
      call YAXIS (AXIS)
!$omp section
      call ZAXIS (AXIS)
!$omp end sections
!$omp end parallel

!$omp do dynamic
      do I0 = 1, 3
         if (I0 .eq. 1) then
            call XAXIS (AXIS,AXIS_DSP)
          else if (I0 .eq. 2) then
            call YAXIS (AXIS,AXIS_DSP)
          else if (I0 .eq. 3) then
            call ZAXIS (AXIS,AXIS_DSP)
         end if
      end do

7.5 SINGLE Directive

The code within a SINGLE region will be executed by only one thread.

!$omp single
      X = X + 10
      Y = Y + 100
!$omp end single

      call DALIB_mp_barrier ()
      if (DALIB_is_mp_single()) then
         X = X+10
         Y = Y+100
      end if
      call DALIB_mp_barrier ()

Only one thread does the work, but it is unspecified which thread actually it is.

7.6 Synchronization

7.7 CRITICAL Sections

!$omp atomic
         X(INDEX(I)) = X(INDEX(I)) + XLOCAL

A critical section is enclosed with lock primitives.

7.8 ATOMIC Update

!$omp atomic
         X(INDEX(I)) = X(INDEX(I)) + XLOCAL

The general strategy is similar to the critical section. The assignment will be enclosed with lock primitives that are less restrictive.

         call DALIB_atomic_lock (X(INDEX(I)))
         X(INDEX(I)) = X(INDEX(I))+XLOCAL
         call DALIB_atomic_unlock (X(INDEX(I)))

7.9 ORDERED Clause

!$omp do ordered
      do I = 2, N
         call WORK (I, X, N)
      end do

      call DALIB_init_ordered (2,1)
      call DALIB_do_static_bsched (2,N,1,IK_START1,IK_STOP1)
      do I=IK_START1,IK_STOP1
         call DALIB_set_loop_id (I)
         call WORK (I,X(X_ZERO+1),N,DALIB_0,X_DSP,DALIB_0)
      end do

      subroutine WORK (I, X, N)
      integer I
      integer N
      integer X (N)
!$omp ordered
      X (I) = X(I-1) + I
!$omp end ordered

      call DALIB_enter_ordered ()
      X(X_ZERO+I) = X(X_ZERO+(I-1))+I
      call DALIB_leave_ordered ()

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Thomas Brandes 2004-03-18