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3 Installation Procedure

This Section gives an overview about the whole installation procedure of the ADAPTOR system.

3.1 Installation Directory

Before downloading ADAPTOR you should create a directory for the installation (e.g. a subdirectory in /usr/local or /opt for machine installation, or in$HOME for private installation). This installation directory will be referred to as PHOME. This environment variable must be set correctly for the compiler driver adaptor by every user later.

    mkdir adaptor
    cd adaptor
    pwd        < this is PHOME >

3.2 Downloading of ADAPTOR

ADAPTOR is available via anonymous ftp and should be downloaded directly in the installation directory.

  cd $PHOME
  ftp   (
   user: anonymous
   password: <your e-mail address>
  cd gmd/adaptor
  get adp_10.1.tar.gz

You can also download ADAPTOR via WWW using the following http address:

Please follow from this home page the link for ADAPTOR and Download and pick up the ADAPTOR distribution.

At first the tar file has to be uncompressed before all the files of ADAPTOR can be extracted.

  gunzip adp_10.1.tar.gz
  tar xvf adp_10.1.tar
  rm adp_10.1.tar

After extraction, the following files should be present in the ADAPTOR directory:

   configure       configuration script    input file for autoconf
   Makefile        input file for make to generate ADAPTOR   configuration template for adaptor    configuration template for fadapt

The following subdirectories should be present in the ADAPTOR directory:

   bin             (directory for binaries)
   doc             (documentation, Postcript)
   src             (source files for fadapt, C code)
   src1            (source files for adaptor, C code)
   dalib           (runtime system used for ADAPTOR)
   man             (manual pages for ADAPTOR)
   test_examples   (example programs for testing functionality)
   config_tools    (test programs to get info about configuration)

3.3 Compilation of the ADAPTOR System

Before you can use ADAPTOR, you must configure and make it.


The configure script should configure the installation automatically for most architectures. In certain situations, the configuration must be adapted to the machine (see Section 4). This is especially necessary if not the default Fortran compiler is used or if the system cannot find the MPI installation. After successful configuration, the make utility will generate the executables fadapt, adaptor, and the LIBADP runtime system.

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Thomas Brandes 2004-03-19