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3.6 Evaluating Implementations


Performance models also play an important role after a design   is complete, when we start to write programs. Comparisons of observed and predicted execution times can provide valuable information about both an algorithm and its implementation.

Even if considerable care is taken when designing and carrying out experiments, the idealized nature of our models means that observed and predicted execution times will seldom completely agree. Major discrepancies signify either that the model is incorrect or that the implementation is inadequate. In the first case, we can use the empirical results to determine where the model is deficient; this information in turn enables us to reassess the quantitative tradeoffs that we have used to justify design decisions. In the second case, we can use the model to identify areas in which the implementation can be improved.

When faced with a substantial difference between modeled and observed execution times, our first step should be to check both the performance model and our experimental design to verify not only that the model and experiments are correct but that they are measuring the same thing.

Our   next step should be to obtain an execution profile of the parallel code. (In contrast to the execution profiles discussed in Section 3.4.3, this profile will be based on measured values.) The goal here is to obtain a more detailed view of program behavior, by measuring, for example, time spent in initialization, time spent in different phases of a computation, total idle time, and the total number and volume of messages communicated. Ideally, data will be obtained for a range of problem sizes and processor counts. Tables 3.4 and 3.5 show typical examples of execution profile data, in this case from a parallel computational chemistry code that incorporates the Fock matrix construction algorithm of Section 2.8 as a kernel. These data were obtained by using instrumentation inserted manually into the program.

Table 3.4: A simple execution profile for a single step of a parallel computational chemistry code, here applied to a relatively small problem on an IBM SP computer. This code combines the Fock matrix construction algorithm of Chapter 2 (``fock'') with additional components. The profile shows both the time spent in different parts of the program for varying processor counts and the total execution time. Scalability is reasonably good, although it is evident that the routine diag has not been parallelized. The init routine does not scale well, but this cost is less important because the code is normally run for many steps.  

Table 3.5: A more detailed execution profile for the parallel code of Table 3.4. This gives call frequencies and execution times for various communication routines on each processor. For brevity, only the first 6 of 16 processors are shown. Instrumentation overhead increases total time from the 230 seconds of Table 3.4 to around 241 seconds. The get, accum, and put routines read and write data in distributed global arrays. A get operation, which blocks waiting for a response to a remote request, takes around 1.7 milliseconds on average. Since each data transfer is relatively small, and the IBM SP's is low, this time must include substantial idle time that could perhaps be overlapped with local computation. The second major source of communication cost is the barrier operation, which is used to ensure that all updates to a global array have completed before reading begins. We may wish to examine the program to determine whether we really need 85 such operations per step.  

Once we have obtained an execution profile, we can compare it with the performance model to identify deficiencies in either the model or the implementation. In the following sections, we list several potential problems that may be revealed in an execution profile.

3.6.1 Unaccounted-for Overhead

  We first consider issues that may lead to observed execution times greater than predicted by a model. Most often, such a situation occurs because the performance model is incomplete: some aspect of an algorithm or its implementation was neglected as insignificant but proves in practice to contribute significantly to execution time.

3.6.2 Speedup Anomalies

  An implementation may execute faster than predicted by a performance model. If this effect becomes more marked as the number of processors increases, this phenomenon is termed a speedup anomaly---the observed speedup is greater than predicted. Sometimes, we may see a speedup that is greater than linear, or superlinear. Situations in which this can occur   include the following:  


Figure 3.10: Speedup of an implementation of the 1-D finite difference algorithm with N=512 and Z=10 as measured on the Intel DELTA and as predicted by both a simple performance model that does not account for load imbalances and a more sophisticated model that does; both models assume sec and sec. 

Example . Evaluating a Finite Difference Program: 

We consider the behavior of an implementation of the 1-D finite difference algorithm. Figure 3.10 shows observed performance, performance predicted by Equation 3.4, and performance predicted by a refined model that we shall develop in the following. We present speedups rather than raw execution times in order to make results clearer for larger P . The predicted performance curves use machine parameter values obtained by a fitting process so as to take into account additional overheads not accounted for by the ``best possible'' parameter values of Table 3.1. A comparison of the two sets of parameter values (sec versus 77 sec, sec versus 0.54 sec) indicates that the finite difference implementation incurs significant overhead. This suggests that there may be opportunities for optimization.

Figure 3.10 shows that Equation 3.4 is inaccurate for N=512 and larger values of P . The observed speedup does not increase continuously, as predicted, but in a stepwise fashion. This observation suggests that the model is incorrect in assuming that some aspect of program performance varies continuously with P . Examining Equation 3.4, we see that only computation cost depends on P ; both the number of messages and message size per processor are constant and hence independent of P . The problem then becomes clear. Equation 3.4 assumes that each processor has N/P columns of the grid. In reality, P does not always divide N . More specifically, some tasks will be allocated grid points and others points. For example, if N=8 , Z=1 , and P=3 , some will have and others grid points. Hence, while total computation costs are as given by Equation 3.4, the maximum computation costs on any processor are as follows:

This uneven distribution of computation leads to idle time, since at each step processors with less computation will terminate before those with more. Total idle time is the difference between the maximum computation time and the mean computation times, multipled by the number of processors:

Incorporating this idle time into Equation 3.4, we obtain the following more general performance model:


The second predicted performance curve in Figure 3.10 is obtained using this refined model. Notice that the two models are equivalent when N is an integer multiple of P .

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© Copyright 1995 by Ian Foster