Automatic Report Generation

Up: Contents Next: Problems Previous:  nupshot, a Way to View Logfiles

We are working on a prototype system for automatically producing a report describing the installation of MPI on the system you are using. This is done by going to the top-level directory and doing

configure ... >& config.log 
Warning: this rebuilds the system, since one of the things the report will contain is the set of machine-specific parameters used and the total time it take to build it. The reason for directing the configure output to a file is so that the document generator can include comments on the configuration itself, such as calling out any problems that configure noticed.

If the system that you are running on contains all the necessary components for producing the report, it will appear in the file doc/doc1.tex. This is a LaTeX file and should be processed in the doc directory:

cd doc 
    latex doc1 
    latex doc1 
    dvips doc1 
The graphs of performance require gnuplot and are generated as Postscript files.

Up: Contents Next: Problems Previous:  nupshot, a Way to View Logfiles