Aztec User's Guide*
Version 1.1

Scott A. Hutchinson(y) John N. Shadid(x) Ray S. Tuminaro(z)
Massively Parallel Computing Research Laboratory
Sandia National Laboratories
Albuquerque, NM 87185


Aztec is an iterative library that greatly simplifies the parallelization process when solving the linear systems of equations Ax = b where A is a user supplied n * n sparse matrix, b is a user supplied vector of length n and x is a vector of length n to be computed. Aztec is intended as a software tool for users who want to avoid cumbersome parallel programming details but who have large sparse linear systems which require an efficiently utilized parallel processing system. A collection of data transformation tools are provided that allow for easy creation of distributed sparse unstructured matrices for parallel solution. Once the distributed matrix is created, computation can be performed on any of the parallel machines running Aztec: nCUBE 2, IBM SP2 and Intel Paragon, MPI platforms as well as standard serial and vector platforms.
Aztec includes a number of Krylov iterative methods such as conjugate gradi ent (CG), generalized minimum residual (GMRES) and stabilized biconjugate gradient (BiCGSTAB) to solve systems of equations. These Krylov methods are used in conjunction with various preconditioners such as polynomial or domain decomposition methods using LU or incomplete LU factorizations within subdomains. Although the matrix A can be general, the package has been designed for matrices arising from the approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs).
*This work was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences program, U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Research, and was performed at Sandia National Laboratories, operated for the U.S. Department of Energy under contract No. DE-AC04-94AL85000. The Aztec software package was developed by the authors at Sandia National Laboratories and is under copyright protection
y Parallel Computational Sciences Department;; (505) 845-7996
x Parallel Computational Sciences Department;; (505) 845-7876
z Applied & Numerical Mathematics Department;; (505) 845-7298


1 Overview

2 Aztec:High Level View
2.1 Aztec Options
2.2 Aztec parameters
2.3 Return status

3 Data Formats
3.1 Distributed Modified Sparse Row (DMSR) Format
3.2 Distributed Variable Block Row (DVBR) Format

4 High Level Data Interface

5 Examples

6 Advanced Topics
6.1 Data Layout
6.2 Reusing factorizations
6.3 Important Constants
6.4 AZ_transform Subtasks

7 Aztec Functions
AZ_find_procs_for externs
AZ_gsum_vec int

Notation Conventions
Different fonts are used to indicate program fragments, keys words, variables, or
parameters in order to clarify the presentation. The table below describes the
meaning denoted by these different fonts.
Convention Meaning

typewriter File names, code examples and code fragments.
sans serif C language elements such as function names and constants when they appear embedded in text or in function definition syntax lines.
italics Parameter and variable names when they appear embedded in text or function definition syntax lines.
AZ_ C language elements such as function names and constants which are supplied by the Aztec library.

Code Distribution

is publicly available for research purposes and may be licensed for commercial application. The code is distributed along with technical documentation, example C and Fortran driver routines and sample input files via the internet. It may be obtained by contacting one of the authors listed on page i of this report.

1. Overview. Aztec is an iterative library that greatly simplifies the parallelization process when solving the linear system of equations
Ax = b where A is a user supplied n * n sparse matrix, b is a user supplied vector of length n and x is a vector of length n to be computed. Aztec is intended as a software tool for users who want to avoid cumbersome parallel programming details but who have large sparse linear systems requiring efficient use of a parallel processing system. The most complicated parallelization task for an Aztec user is the distributed matrix specification for the particular application. Although this may seem difficult, a collection of data transformation tools are provided that allow creation of distributed sparse unstructured matrices for parallel solution with ease of effort that is similar to a serial implementation. Background information regarding the data transformation tools can be found in [5]. Once the distributed matrix is created, computation can occur on any of the parallel machines running Aztec: nCUBE 2, IBM SP2, Intel Paragon, and MPI platforms. In addition, Aztec can be used on standard serial and vector platforms such as SUN, SGI and CRAY computers.
Aztec includes a number of Krylov iterative methods such as conjugate gradi ent (CG), generalized minimum residual (GMRES) and stabilized biconjugate gradient (BiCGSTAB) to solve systems of equations. These Krylov methods are used in con junction with various preconditioners such as polynomial preconditioners or domain decomposition using LU or incomplete LU factorizations within subdomains. Back ground information concerning the iterative methods and the preconditioners can be found in [4]. Although the matrix A can be general, the package has been designed for matrices arising from the approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs). In particular, the preconditioners, iterative methods and parallelization techniques are oriented toward systems arising from PDE applications. Lastly, Aztec can use one of two different sparse matrix notations - either a point-entry modified sparse row (MSR) format or a block-entry variable block row (VBR) format. These two formats have been generalized for parallel implementation and, as such, are referred to as "distributed" yielding DMSR and DVBR references.
The remainder of this guide describes how Aztec is invoked within an application. Aztec is written in ANSI-standard C and as such, all arrays in the descriptions which follow begin indexing with 0. Also, all function prototypes (loosely, descriptions) are presented in ANSI C format. Section 2 discusses iterative method, preconditioning and convergence options. Section 3 explains vectors and sparse matrix formats supported by Aztec. In Section 4 we discuss the data transformation tool for creating distributed vectors and matrices. A concrete detailed programming example using this tool is given in Section 5 and some advance topics are discussed in Section 6. Finally, Section 7 gives a glossary of Aztec functions available to users.
2. Aztec: High Level View.The following tasks must be performed to success fully invoke Aztec:

* describe the parallel machine (e.g. number of processors).
* initialize matrix and vector data structures.
* choose iterative methods, preconditioners and the convergence criteria.
* initialize the right hand side and initial guess.
* invoke the solver.


#include "az_aztec.h"
void main(void) {
init_matrix_vector_structures(bindx, val, update, external,update_index, extern_index, data_org);
init_options(options, params);
init_guess_and_rhs(x, b, data_org, update, update_index);
AZ_solve(x, b, options, params, bindx, val, data_org, status,proc_config);
Fig. 1. High level code forAztec application. A sample C program is shown in Figure 1 omitting declarations and some parameters (1). The functions init_matrix_vector_structures, init_options, and init_guess_and_rhs are supplied by the user. In this section, we give an overview of Aztec's features by describing the user input arrays, options and params, that are set by the user in the function init options. A discussion of the other subroutines is deferred to Sections 4 and 5.

2.1. Aztec Options. options is an integer array of length AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE se by the user. It is used (but not altered) by the function AZ_solve to choose between iterative solvers, preconditioners, etc. Below we discuss each of the possible options. In some of these descriptions, reference is made to a user-defined options or params value which is yet be introduced. These descriptions will follow but the reader may wish to "jump ahead" and read the descriptions if the immediate context is not clear.


options[AZ_solver] Specifies solution algorithm. DEFAULT: AZ_gmres.
AZ_cg Conjugate gradient (only applicable to symmetric positive definite matrices).
AZ_gmres Restarted generalized minimal residual.
AZ_cgs Conjugate gradient squared.
AZ_tfqmr Transpose-free quasi-minimal residual.
AZ_bicgstab Bi-conjugate gradient with stabilization.
AZ_lu Sparse direct solver (single processor only).
options[AZ_scaling] Specifies scaling algorithm. The entire matrix is scaled (overwriting the old matrix). Additionally, the right hand side, the initial guess and the final computed solution are scaled if necessary. DEFAULT:AZ_none.
AZ_none No scaling.
AZ_Jacobi Point Jacobi scaling.
AZ_BJacobi Block Jacobi scaling where the block size corre sponds to the VBR blocks. Point Jacobi scaling is performed when using the MSR format.
AZ_row_sum Scale each row so the magnitude of its elements sum to 1.
AZ_sym_diag Symmetric scaling so diagonal elements are 1.
AZ_sym_row_sum Symmetric scaling using the matrix row sums.
options[AZ_precond] Specifies preconditioner. DEFAULT:AZ_none.
AZ_none No preconditioning.
AZ_Jacobi k step Jacobi (block Jacobi for DVBR matrices where each block corresponds to a VBR block). The number of Jacobi steps, k, is set via options[AZ_poly_ord] .
AZ_Neumann Neumann series polynomial where the polynomial order is set via options[AZ_poly_ord] .
AZ_ls Least-squares polynomial where the polynomial order is set via options[AZ_poly_ord] .
AZ_lu Domain decomposition preconditioner (additive Schwarz) using a sparse LU factorization in conjunction with a drop tolerance params[AZ_drop] on each processor's submatrix. The treatment of external variables in the submatrix is determined by options[AZ_overlap] . The current sparse lu factorization is provided by the package y12m [6].
AZ_ilu Similar to AZ_lu using ilu(0) instead of LU.
AZ_bilu Similar to AZ_lu using block ilu(0) instead of LU where each block corresponds to a VBR block.
AZ_sym_GS Non-overlapping domain decomposition (additive Schwarz) k step symmetric Gauss-Siedel. In par ticular, a symmetric Gauss-Siedel domain decom position procedure is used where each processor independently performs one step of symmetric Gauss-Siedel on its local matrix, followed by com munication to update boundary values before the next local symmetric Gauss-Siedel step.The num ber of steps, k, is set via options[AZ_poly_ord] .
options[AZ_conv] Determines the residual expression used in convergence checks and printing. DEFAULT: AZ_r0. The iterative solver terminates if the corresponding residual expres sion is less than params[AZ_tol]:
AZ_weighted , where , nis the total number of unknowns, w is a weight vector provided by the user via params[AZ_weights] and is the initial residual.
options[AZ_output] Specifies information (residual expressions - seeoptions[AZ_conv] ) to be printed. DEFAULT: 1.
AZ_all Print out the matrix and indexing vectors for each processor. Print out all intermediate residual express ions.
AZ_none No intermediate results are printed.
AZ_warnings Only Aztec warnings are printed.
AZ_last Print out only the final residual expression.
>0 Print residual expression every options[AZ_output] iterations.
options[AZ_pre_calc] Indicates whether to use factorization information from previous calls to AZ_solve. DEFAULT:AZ_calc.
AZ_calc Use no information from previous AZ_solve calls.
AZ_recalc Use preprocessing information from a previous call but recalculate preconditioning factors. This is primarily intended for factorization software which performs a symbolic stage.
AZ_reuse Use preconditioner from a previous AZ_solve call, do not recalculate preconditioning factors. Also, use scaling factors from previous call to scale the right hand side, initial guess and the final solution.
options[AZ_max_iter] Maximum number of iterations. DEFAULT: 500.
options[AZ_poly_ord] The polynomial order when using polynomial precondi tioning. Also, the number of steps when using Jacobi or symmetric Gauss-Seidel preconditioning. DEFAULT: 3.
options[AZ_overlap] Determines the submatrices factored with the domain decomposition algorithms: AZ_lu, AZ_ilu, AZ_bilu. DEFAULT: AZ_none.
AZ_none Factor the local submatrix defined on this proces sor discarding column entries that correspond to external elements.
AZ_diag Factor the local submatrix defined on this pro cessor augmented by a diagonal (block diagonal for VBR format) matrix. This diagonal matrix corresponds to the diagonal entries of the matrix rows (found on other processors) associated with external elements. This can be viewed as taking one Jacobi step to update the external elements and then performing domain decomposition with AZ_none on the residual equations.
AZ_full Factor the local submatrix defined on this proces sor augmented by the rows (found on other proces sors) associated with external variables (discard ing column entries associated with variables not defined on this processor). The resulting proce dure is an overlapped additive Schwarz procedure.
options[AZ_kspace] Krylov subspace size for restarted GMRES. DEFAULT: 30.
options[AZ_orthog] GMRES orthogonalization scheme. DEFAULT: AZ_classic.
AZ_classic Classical Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization.
AZ_modified Modified Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization.
options[AZ_aux_vec] Determines ~r (a required vector within some iterative
methods). The convergence behavior varies slightly de
pending on how this is set. DEFAULT: AZ_resid.
AZ_resid > is set to the initial residual vector.
AZ_rand is set to random numbers between -1 and 1.
NOTE: When using this option, the convergence depends on the number of
processors (i.e. the iterates obtained with x processors differ from the
iterates obtained with y processors if x # y).

2.2. Aztec parameters. params is a double precision array set by the user and normally of length AZ_PARAMS_SIZE. However, when a weight vector is needed for the convergence check (i.e. options[AZ_conv] = AZ_weighted), it is embedded in params whose length must now be AZ_PARAMS_SIZE + # of elements updated on this proces sor. In either case, the contents of params are used (but not altered) by the function AZ_solve to control the behavior of the iterative methods. The array elements are specified as follows:

params[AZ_tol] Specifies tolerance value used in conjunction with convergence tests. DEFAULT: 0.0000001
params[AZ_drop] Specifies drop tolerance used in conjunction with LU preconditioner. DEFAULT: 0.0.
params[AZ_weights] When options[AZ_conv] = AZ_weighted, the i 'th local component of the weight vector is stored in the location params[AZ_weights+i].

Figure 2 illustrates a sample function init_options where the Aztec function AZ_defaults sets the default options.

2.3. Return status. status is a double precision array of length AZ_STATUS_SIZE returned from AZ_solve ( All integer information returned from AZ_solve is cast into double precision and stored in status.). The contents of status are described below.


status[AZ_its] Number of iterations taken by the iterative method.
status[AZ_why] Reason why AZ_solve terminated.
AZ_normal User requested convergence criteria is satisfied.
AZ_param User requested option is not available.
AZ_breakdown Numerical breakdown occurred.
AZ_loss Numerical loss of precision occurred.
AZ_ill_cond The Hessenberg within GMRES is ill-conditioned. This could be caused by a singular application matrix. In this case, GMRES tries to compute a least-squares solution.
AZ_maxits Maximum iterations taken without convergence.
status[AZ_r] The true residual norm corresponding to the choice options[AZ_conv] (this norm is calculated using the computed solution).
status[AZ_scaled_r] The true residual ratio expression as defined by options[AZ_conv].
status[AZ_rec_r] Norm corresponding to options[AZ_conv] of final resid ual or estimated final residual (recursively computed by iterative method). Note: When using the 2-norm, tfqmr computes an estimate of the residual norm in stead of computing the residual.


void init_options(int options[AZ_OPTIONS_SIZE],
double params[AZ_PARAMS_SIZE])

options[AZ_solver] = AZ_cgs;
options[AZ_scaling] = AZ_none;
options[AZ_precond] = AZ_ls;
options[AZ_output] = 1;
options[AZ_max_iter] = 640;
options[AZ_poly_ord] = 7;
params[AZ_tol] = 0.0000001;

Fig. 2.Example option initialization routine ( init_options).

When AZ_solve returns abnormally, the user may elect to restart using the current computed solution as an initial guess.
3. Data Formats. In this section we describe the matrix and vector formats used internally by Aztec. In Section 4 we discuss a tool that transforms data from a simpler format to this format. Here, the terms "element" and "component" are used inter changeably to denote a particular entry of a vector.
The sparse matrix-vector product, y <- Ax, is the major kernel operation of Aztec.
To perform this operation in parallel, the vectors x and y as well as the matrix A must be distributed across the processors. The elements of any vector of length n are assigned to a particular processor via some partitioning method (e.g. Chaco [2]). When calculating elements in a vector such as y, a processor computes only those elements in y which it has been assigned. These vector elements are explicitly stored on the processor and are defined by a set of indices referred to as the processor's update set. The update set is further divided into two subsets: internal and border. A component corresponding to an index in the internal set is updated using only information on the current processor. As an example, the index i is in internal if, in the matrix-vector product kernel, the element yi is updated by this processor and if each j defining a nonzero Aij in row i is in update. The border set defines elements which would require values from other processors in order to be updated during the matrix vector product. For example, the index i is in border if, in the matrix-vector product kernel, the element yi is updated by this processor and if there exists at least one j associated with a nonzero Aij found in row i that is not in update. In the matrix-vector product, the set of indices which identify the off-processor elements in x that are needed to update components corresponding to border indices is referred to as external. They are explicitly stored by and are obtained from other processors via communication whenever a matrix-vector product is performed. Figure 3 illustrates how a set of vertices in a partitioning of a grid would be used to define these sets. Since these sets of indices are used exclusively

to reference specific vector components, the same names (i.e.,update, internal , border
and external ) are sometimes used below to describe the vector elements themselves. Having generalized these labels, the three types of vector elements are distinguished by locally storing the internal components first, followed by the border components and finally by theexternal components. In addition, all external components received from the same processor are stored consecutively. Below we summarize the nomenclature for a processor with N total elements where N_internal , N_border , and N_external elements are distributed over the sets internal , border and external respectively.

set description local numbering
internal updated w/o communication 0 to N_internal - 1
border updated with communication N_internal to N_internal+ N_border-1.
external not updated but used to update border N_internal + N_border to N -1. elements received from the same processor are numbered consecutively.

Similar to vectors, a subset of matrix non-zeros is stored on each processor. In particular, each processor stores only those rows which correspond to its update set. For example, if vector element i is updated on processor p, then processor p also stores all the non-zeros of row i in the matrix. Further, the local numbering of vector elements on a specific processor induces a local numbering of matrix rows and columns. For example, if vector element k is locally numbered as kl, then all references to row k or column k in the matrix would be locally numbered as kl. Thus, each processor contains a submatrix whose row and column entries correspond to variables defined on this processor.
The remainder of this section describes the two sparse matrix for mats that are used to store the local renumbered submatrix. These two sparse matrix formats correspond to common formats used in serial computations.

3.1. Distributed Modified Sparse Row (DMSR) Format. The DMSR for mat is a generalization of the MSR format [3]. The data structure consists of an integer vector bindx and a double precision vector val each of length N_nonzeros + 1 where N_nonzeros is the number of nonzeros in the local submatrix. For a submatrix with m rows the DMSR arrays are as follows:


bindx(0) m+1
bindx[k+1]-bindx[k] =number of nonzero off-diagonal elements in k'th row,k < m
bindx[ks,] =column indices of the off-diagonal nonzeros in row k where ks=bindx[k] and ke=bindx[k+1]-1.


val[k] =A[k,k], k< m
val[ki] =the(k,bindx[ki])'th matrix element where with ks and ke as defined above.

Note: val[m] is not used. See [1] for a detailed discussion of the MSR format.

3.2. Distributed Variable Block Row (DVBR) Format. The Distributed
Variable Block Row (DVBR) format is a generalization of the VBR format [1]. The
data structure consists of a double precision vector val and five integer vectors:
indx , bindx , rpntr , cpntr ,bpntr . The format is best suited for sparse
block matrices of the form

where Aij denotes a block (or submatrix). In a sparse block matrix, some of these blocks would be entirely zero while others may be dense. The DVBR vectors are described below for a matrix with M * K blocks.

rpntr[0 ... M] :

rpntr[0] = 0
rpntr[k+1] -rpntr[k] = number of rows in k 'th block row

cpntr[0 ... K] :

cpntr[0] = 0
cpntr[k+1] -cpntr[k] = number of columns in k 'th block column

bpntr[0 ... M] :

bpntr[0] = 0
bpntr[k+1] - bpntr[k] = number of nonzero blocks in the k 'th block row

bindx[0 ... bpntr[M] ] :

bindx[ks ... ke] = block column indices of nonzero blocks in block row k where ks = bpntr[k] and ke = bpntr[k+1]-1

indx[0 ... bpntr[M] ] :

indx[0] = 0
indx[ki+1] - indx[ki] = number of nonzeros in the (k, bindx[ki] )'th block where    with ks and ke as defined above.

val[0 ... indx[bpntr[M]] ] :

val[is ... ie] = nonzeros in the (k, bindx[ki] )'th block stored in column major order where ki is as defined above, is = indx[ki] and ie = indx[ki+1]-1

See [1] for a detailed discussion of the VBR format.
4. High Level Data Interface.Setting up the distributed format described in Section 3 for the local submatrix on each processor can be quite cumbersome. In particular, the user must determine a mapping between the global numbering scheme and a local scheme which facilitates proper communication. Further, a number of additional variables must be set for communication and synchronization (see Section 6).
In this section we describe a simpler data format that is used in conjunction with a transformation function to generate data structures suitable for Aztec. The new format allows the user to specify the rows in a natural order as well as to use global column numbers in the bindx array. To use the transformation function the user supplies the update set and the submatrix for each processor. Unlike the previous section, however, the submatrix is specified using the global coordinate numbering instead of the local numbering required by Aztec.This procedure greatly facilitates matrix specification and is the main advantage of the transformation software.
On a given processor, the update set (i.e. vector element assignment to processors) is defined by initializing the array update on each processor so that it contains the global index of each element assigned to the processor. The update array must be sorted in ascending order (i.e. i <   j   => update[i] < update[j]). This sorting can be performed using the Aztec function AZ_sort. Matrix specification occurs using the arrays defined in the previous section. However, now the local rows are defined in the same order as the update array and column indices (e.g. bindx) are given as global column indices. To illustrate this in more detail, consider the following example matrix:

Figure 4 illustrates the information corresponding to a particular matrix partitioning that is specified by the user as input to the data transformation tool. Using this information, AZ_transform

A sample transformation is given in Figure 5 and is found in the file az_app_utils_c. AZ_read_update is an Aztec utility which reads a file and assigns elements to update. The user supplied routine create_matrix creates an MSR or VBR matrix using the global numbering. Once transformed the matrix can now be used within Aztec.
5. Examples. A sample program is described by completing the program fragments given earlier (Figures 1, 2 and 5). In Figure 1, AZ_processor_info is an Aztec utility which initializes the array proc_config to reflect the number of processors being used and the node number of this processor. The function AZ_solve is also supplied by Aztec to solve the user supplied linear system. Thus, the only functions that the user must supply which have not already been discussed include: init_guess_and_rhs in Figure 1 and create_matrix in Figure 5.
The function init_guess_and_rhs initializes the initial guess and the right hand side. In Figure 6, a sample routine is given which sets the initial guess vector to zero and sets the right hand side vector equal to the global indices (where the local element update_index[i] corresponds to global element update[i] , see Section 4)( Alternatively, i could replace update_index[i] by invoking AZ_reorder_vec() once rhs was initialized.).
A create_matrix function to initialize an MSR matrix is illustrated in Figure 7. Different matrix problems can be implemented by changing the function add_row which computes the MSR entries corresponding to a new row of the matrix. The specific add_row function for implementing a 5-point 2D Poisson operator on an n * n grid is shown in Figure 8 (n is a global variable set by the user). With these few lines of code and the functions described earlier, the user initializes and solves a 2D Poisson prob lem. While for simplicity of presentation this specific example is structured the Aztec library does not assume any structure in the sparse matrix. All the communication and variable renumbering is done automatically without the assumption of structured communication.
Other add_row functions corresponding to a 3D Poisson equation and a high order 2D Poisson equation are distributed with Aztec (file az_examples.c). We recommend that potential users review at these examples. In many cases, new applications can be written by simply editing these programs. The interested reader should note that only a few lines of code are different between the functions for the 5-pt Poisson, the high order Poisson and the 3D Poisson codes. Further, the add_row routines are essentially identical to those that would be used to set up sparse matrices in serial applications and that there are no references to processors, communications or anything specific to parallel programming.


proc 0:

N_update: 3
update: 0 1 3
bindx: 4       7     9   14     1     3     4     0     3     0     1     2     4     5
val:     a00 a11 a33  -  a01 a03 a04 a10 a13 a30 a31 a32 a34 a35
proc 1:

N_update: 1
update: 4
bindx: 2     5     0     2    3
val:     a44  -  a40 a42 a43
proc 2:

N_update: 2
update: 2     5
bindx: 3     6     8     3     4     5     2     3
val:   a22 a55  -  a23 a24 a25 a52 a53

Fig. 4. User input (MSR format) to initialize the sample matrix problem.

init_matrix_vector_structures(bindx, val, update, external,
update_index, extern_index, data_org);
AZ_read_update(update, N_update);
create_matrix(bindx, val, update, N.update);
AZ_transform(bindx, val, update, external, update_index,
extern_index, data_org, N_update);
Fig. 5. init_matrix_vector_structures.

void init_guess_and_rhs(x, rhs, data_org, update, update_index)
N_update = data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border];
for (i = 0; i < N_update ; i = i + 1) {
rhs[update_index[i]] = (double) update[i];
x[i] = 0.0;
Fig. 6. init_guess_and_rhs.

void create_matrix(bindx, val, update, N_update)
N_nonzeros = N_update + 1;
bindx[0] = N_nonzeros;
for (i = 0; i < N_update; i = i + 1)
add_row(update[i], i, val, bindx);
Fig. 7. create_matrix.

void add_row(row, location, val, bindx)
k = bindx[location]; val[location] = 4.; /* matrix diagonal */
/* check neighboring points in each direction and add nonzero */
/* entry if neighbor exists. */
bindx[k] = row + 1; if (row%n != n-1) val[k++] = -1.;
bindx[k] = row - 1; if (row%n != 0) val[k++] = -1.;
bindx[k] = row + n; if ((row/n)%n != n-1) val[k++] = -1.;
bindx[k] = row - n; if ((row/n)%n != 0) val[k++] = -1.;
bindx[location+1] = k;

Fig. 8. add_row for a 2D Poisson problem

Example _______________________________________________
void create_matrix(bindx, val, update, N_update);
read_triangles(T, N_triangles);
init_msr(val, bindx, N_update);
for (triangle = 0; triangle < N_triangles; triangle = triangle + 1)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
row = AZ_find_index(T[triangle][i], update,N_update);
for (j = 0; j <3; j = j + 1) {
if (row != NOT_FOUND)
add_to_element(row, T[triangle][j], 0.0, val, bindx, i==j);
compress_matrix(val, bindx, N_update);
Fig. 9. create_matrix for the Poisson finite element problem.

While Aztec simplifies the parallel coding associated with structured problems, it is for unstructured problems that Aztec makes a significant programming difference. To illustrate this, a 2D finite element example is given where the underlying grid is a triangulation of a complex geometry. Unlike the previous example create_matrix de fines a sparsity pattern (i.e. bindx ) but not the actual nonzero entries (i.e. val ) as interprocessor communication is required before they can be computed. Thus, in this example AZ_transform takes the sparsity pattern and initializes the communication data structures. Using these structures, communication can be performed at a later stage in computing the matrix nonzeros.

Figure 9 depicts create_matrix while Figure 10 depicts an additional function matrix_fill that must be included before AZ_solve is invoked in Figure 1. We have not made any effort to optimize these routines. In both figures the new lines that have been added specifically for a parallel implementation are underlined. That is, create_matrix and matrix_fill have been created by taking a serial program that creates the finite element discretization, splitting this program over the two functions and adding a few new lines necessary for the parallel implementation. The only additional change is to replace the single data file containing the triangle connectivity read using read_triangles by a set of data files containing the triangle connectivity for each processor. We do not discuss the details of this program but only wish to draw the readers attention to the small number of lines that need changing to convert the serial unstructured application to parallel. Most of the main routines such as setup_Ke which computes the element contributions and add_to_element which stores the element contributions in the MSR data structures remain the same. In fact, almost all the new lines of code correspon to adding the communication (AZ_exchange_bdry) (which was the main reason that the calculation of the matrix nonzeros was deferred) and the conversion of global index values by local index values with the help of AZ_find_index. As in the Poisson example, all of the details with respect to communication are hidden from the user.


void matrix_fill(bindx, val, N_update, update, update_index,
N_external, external, extern_index)

/* read the x and y coordinates from an input file */

for (i = 0; i < N_update; i = i + 1){
read_from_file(x[update_index[i]], y[update_index[i]]);

/* Locally renumber the rows and columns of the new sparse matrix */

for (triangle = 0; triangle < N_triangles; triangle = triangle + 1)
for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
row = AZ_find_index(T[triangle][i], update, N_update);
if (row == NOT_FOUND) {
row = AZ_find_index(T[triangle][i], external, N_external);
T[triangle][i] = extern_index[row];
else T[triangle][i] = update_index[row];

/* Fill the element stiffness matrix Ke */

for (triangle = 0; triangle < N_triangles; triangle = triangle + 1){
setup_Ke(Ke, x[T[triangle][0]], y[T[triangle][0]],
x[T[triangle][1]], y[T[triangle][1]],
x[T[triangle][2]], y[T[triangle][2]]);

/* Fill the sparse matrix by scattering Ke to appropriate locations */

for (i = 0; i < 3; i = i + 1) {
for (j = 0; j < 3; j = j + 1){
if (T[triangle][i] < N_update){
add_to_element(T[triangle][i], T[triangle][j], Ke[i][j],
val, bindx, i==j);
Fig. 10. matrix_fill for the Poisson finite element problem.

6. Advanced Topics.
6.1. Data Layout. The Aztec function AZ_transform initializes the integer array data_org. This array specifies how the matrix is set up on the parallel machine. In many
cases, the user need not be concerned with the contents of this array. However, in some
situations it is useful to initialize these elements without the use of AZ_transform, to
access these array elements (e.g. determine how many internal components are used), or to change these array elements (e.g. when reusing factorization information, see Section 6.2). When using the transformation software, the user can ignore the size of data_org as it is allocated in AZ_transform. However, when this is not used, data_org must be allocated of size AZ_COMM_SIZE + number of vector elements sent to other processors during matrix-vector multiplies. The contents of data_org are as follows:


data_org[AZ_matrix_type] Specifies matrix format.
AZ_VBR_MATRIX Matrix corresponds to VBR format.
AZ_MSR_MATRIX Matrix corresponds to MSR format.
data_org[AZ_N_internal] Number of elements updated by this processor that can be computed without information from neighboring processors (N_internal ). This also corresponds to the number of internal rows assigned to this processor.
data_org[AZ_N_border] Number of elements updated by this processor that use information from neighboring processors (N_border ).
data_org[AZ_N_external] Number of external components needed by this processor (N_external ).
data_org[AZ_N_int_blk] Number of internal VBR block rows owned by this processor. Set to data_org[AZ_N_internal] for MSR matrices.
data_org[AZ_N_bord_blk] Number of border VBR block rows owned by this processor. Set to data_org[AZ_N_border] for MSR matrices.
data_org[AZ_N_ext_blk] Number of external VBR block rows on this processor. Set to data_org[AZ_N_external] for MSR matrices.
data_org[AZ_N_neigh] Number of processors with which we exchange infor mation (send or receive) in performing matrix-vector products.
data_org[AZ_total_send] Total number of vector elements sent to other processors during matrix-vector products.
data_org[AZ_name] Name of the matrix. This name is utilized when decid ing which previous factorization to use as a preconditioner (see Section 6.2). (positive integer value).
data_org[AZ_neighbors] Start of vector containing node i.d.'s of neighboring processors. That is, data_org[AZ_neighbors+i] gives the node i.d. of the (i+1 )'th neighbor.
data_org[AZ_rec_length] Start of vector containing the number of elements to receive from each neighbor. We receive from the (i+1 )'th neighbor data_org[AZ_rec_length+i] elements.
data_org[AZ_send_length] Start of vector containing the number of elements to send to each neighbor. We send to the (i+1 )'th neighbor data_org[AZ_rec_length+i] elements.
data_org[AZ_send_list] Start of vector indicating the elements that we will send to other processors during communication. The first data_org[AZ_send_length] components correspond to the elements for the first neighbor and the next data_org[AZ_send_length+1] components correspond to element indices for the second neighbor, and so on.

6.2. Reusing factorizations. When solving a problem, Aztec may create cer tain information that can be reused later. In most cases, this information corresponds to either matrix scaling factors or preconditioning factorization information for LU or ILU. This information is saved internally and referenced by the matrix name given by data_org[AZ_name]. By changing options[AZ_pre_calc] and data_org[AZ_name] a number of different Aztec possibilities can be realized. As an example, consider the following situation. A user needs to solve the linear systems in the order shown below:

The first and second systems are solved with options[AZ_pre_calc] set to AZ_calc. How ever, the name (i.e. data_org[AZ_name]) is changed between these two solves. In this way, scaling and preconditioning information computed from the first solve is not over written during the second solve. By then setting options[AZ_pre_calc] to AZ_reuse and data_org[AZ_name] to the name used during the first solve, the third system is solved reusing the scaling information (to scale the right hand side, initial guess, and rescale the final solution( The matrix does not need to be rescaled as the scaling during the first solve overwrites the original matrix.) and the preconditioning factorizations (e.g. ILU) used during the first solve. While in this example the same matrix system is solved for the first and third solve, this is not necessary. In particular, preconditioners can be reused from previous nonlinear iterates even though the linear system being solved are changing. Of course, many times information from previous linear solves is not reused. In this case the user must explicitly free the space associated with the matrix or this information will remain allocated for the duration of the program. Space is cleared by invoking AZ_free_memory(data_org[AZ_name]).

6.3. Important Constants. Aztec uses a number of constants which are defined in the file az_aztec_defs.h. Most users can ignore these constants. However, there may be situations where they should be changed. Below is a list of these constants with a brief description:

AZ_MAX_NEIGHBORS Maximum number of processors with which in formation can be exchanged during matrix-vector products.
AZ_MSG_TYPE AZ_NUM_MSGS All message types used inside Aztec lie be tween AZ_MSG_TYPE and AZ_MSG_TYPE + AZ_NUM_MSGS - 1.
AZ_MAX_BUFFER_SIZE Maximum message information that can be sent by any processor at any given time before receiv ing. This is used to subdivide large messages to avoid buffer overflows.
AZ_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE Maximum available memory. Used primarily for the LU-factorizations where a large amount of memory is first allocated and then unused portions are freed after factorization.
AZ_TEST_ELE Internal algorithm parameter that can effect the speed of the AZ_find_procs_for_externs calculation. Reduce AZ_TEST_ELE if communication buffers are exceeded during this calculation.

6.4. AZ_transform Subtasks. The function AZ_transform described in Section 4 is actually made up of 5 subtasks. In most cases the user need not be concerned with the individual tasks. However, there might arise situations where additional information is available such that some of the subtasks can be omitted. In this case, it is possible forthe user to edit the code for AZ_transform located in the file az_tools.c to suit the application. In this section we briefly describe the five subroutines which make up the transformation function. More detailed descriptions are given in [5]. Prototypes for these subroutines as well as for AZ_transform are given in Section 7.

- AZ_transform begins by identifying the external set needed by each processor. Here, each column entry must correspond to either an element updated by this processor or an external component. The function - AZ_find_local_indices checks each column entry. If a column is in update, its number is replaced by the appropriate index into update (i.e. update[new column index] = old column index). If a column number is not found in update, it is stored in the external list and the column number is replaced by an index into external (i.e. external[new column index - N_update] = old column index).
- AZ_find_procs_for_externs queries the other processors to determine which processors update each of its external components. The array extern_proc is set such that extern_proc[i] indicates which processor updates external[i] .
- AZ_order_ele reorders the external components such that elements updated by the same processor are contiguous. This new ordering is given byextern_index where extern_index[i] indicates the local numbering of external[i] . Additionally, update components are reordered so the internal components precede the border components. This new ordering is given by update_index where update_index[i] indicates the local num bering of update[i] .

- AZ_set_message_info initializes data_org (see Section 6.1) This is done by computing the number of neighbors, making a list of the neighbors, computing the number of values to be sent and received with each neighbor and computing the list of elements which will be sent to other processors during communication steps.
- Finally, AZ_reorder_matrix permutes and reorders the matrix nonzeros so that its entries correspond to the newly reordered vector elements.

7. Aztec Functions . In this section we describe the Aztec functions available to the user. Certain variables appear many times in the parameter lists of these frequently used functions. In the interest of brevity we describe these variables at the beginning of this section and then proceed with the individual function descriptions.

Frequently Used Aztec Parameters___________________________

data_org Array describing the matrix format (Section 6.1). Allocated and set AZ_set_message_info and AZ_transform.
extern_index extern_index[i] gives the local numbering of global element external[i] . Allocated and set by AZ_order_ele and AZ_transform.
extern_proc extern_proc[i] is updating processor of external[i] . Allocated and set by AZ_find_procs_for_externs.
external Sorted list (global indices) of external elements on this node. Allocated and set by AZ_find_local_indices and AZ_transform .
N_external Number of external components. Set by AZ_find_procs_for_externs and AZ_transform.
N_update Number of update components assigned to this proces sor. Set by AZ_read_update.
options, params Arrays describing AZ_solve options (Section 2).
proc_config[AZ_node] Node i.d. of this processor.
proc_config[AZ_N_procs] Total number of processors used in current simulation. Allocated and set by AZ_processor_info.
update_index update_index[i] gives the local numbering of global ele ment update[i] . Allocated and set by AZ_order_ele and AZ_transform.
update Sorted list of elements (global indices) to be updated on this processor. Allocated and set by AZ_read_update.
val, bindx, bpntr, cpntr, indx, rpntr Arrays used to store matrix. For MSR matrices bpntr, cpntr, indx, rpntr are ignored (Section 3).


void AZ_broadcast(char *ptr , int length, int *proc_config, int action)


Used to concatenate a buffer of information and to broadcast this information from processor 0 to the other processors. The four possible actions are
* action == AZ_PACK

- proc_config[AZ_node] == 0: store ptr in the internal buffer.
- proc config[AZ_node] not= 0: read from the internal buffer to ptr . If the internal buffer is empty, first receive the broadcast information.

* action == AZ_SEND

- proc_config[AZ_node] == 0: broadcast the internal buffer (filled by AZ_broadcast) and then clear it.
- proc_config[AZ_node] not= 0: clear internal buffer.

Sample Usage:
The following code fragment broadcasts the information in `a' and `b'.
if (proc_config[AZ_node] == 0) {
a = 1;
b = 2;
AZ_broadcast(&a, sizeof(int), proc_config, AZ_PACK);
AZ_broadcast(&b, sizeof(int), proc_config, AZ_PACK);
AZ_broadcast(NULL , 0 , proc_config, AZ_SEND);

NOTE: There can be no other communication calls between the AZ_PACK and AZ_SEND calls to AZ_broadcast.


ptr On input, data string of size length. Information is either stored to or retrieved from ptr as described above.
length On input, length of ptr to be broadcast/received.
action On input, determines AZ_broadcast behavior.

Aztec Functions


int AZ_check_input(int *data_org, int *options, double *params, int *proc_config)


Perform checks for iterative solver library. This is to be called by the user of the solver library to check the values in data_org; options; params; and proc_config. If all the values are valid AZ_check_input returns 0, otherwise it returns an error code which can be deciphered using AZ_print_error.

Aztec Functions


void AZ_check_msr(int *bindx , int N_update, int N_external , int option, int *proc_config)


Check that the number of nonzero off-diagonals in each row and that the column indices are nonnegative and not too large (see option).


AZ_LOCAL On input, indicates matrix uses local indices. The number of nonzeros in a row and the largest column index must not exceed the total number of elements on this processor.
AZ_GLOBAL On input, indicates matrix uses global indices. The number of nonzeros in a row and the largest column index must not exceed the total number of elements in the simulation.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_check_vbr(int N_update, int N_external , int option, int *bindx , int *bpntr , int *cpntr , int *rpntr , int *proc_config )


Check VBR matrix for the following:
* number of columns within each block column is nonnegative.
* rpntr[i] == cpntr[i] for i =< N_update.
* number of nonzero blocks in each block row is nonnegative and not too large.
* block column indices are nonnegative and not too large.



AZ_LOCAL On input, indicates matrix uses local indices. The number of block nonzeros in a row and the largest block column index must not exceed the total number of blocks columns on this processor.
AZ_GLOBAL On input, indicates matrix uses global indices. The number of block nonzeros in a row and the largest block column index must not exceed the total number of blocks rows in the simulation.

Aztec Functions

int AZ_defaults(int *options, double *params )


Set options and params so that the default options are chosen.


options On output, set to the default options.
params On output, set to the default parameters.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_exchange_bdry(double *x , int *data_org)


Locally exchange the components of the vector x so that the external components of x are updated.


x On input, vector defined on this processor. On output, external components of x are updated via communication.

Aztec Functions

int AZ_find_index(int key, int *list , int length )


Returns the index, i, in list (assumed to be sorted) which matches the key (i.e. list[i] == key). If key is not found AZ_find_index returns -1. See also AZ_quick_find.


key On input, element to be search for in list.
list On input, sorted list to be searched.
length On input, length of list.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_find_local_indices( int N_update, int *bindx , int *update, int **external , int *N_external , int mat_type, int *bpntr )


Given the global column indices for a matrix and a list of elements updated on this processor, compute the external set and change the global column indices to local column indices. Specifically,
* allocate external , compute and store the external components in external .
* renumber column indices so that column entry k is renumbered as j where either update[j] == k or external[j-N_update] == k .
Called by AZ_transform.


mat_type On input, indicates whether matrix format is MSR (= AZ_MSR_MATRIX) or VBR (= AZ_VBR_MATRIX).
external On output, allocated and set to sorted list of the external elements.
bindx On input, contains global column numbers of MSR or VBR matrix (Section 3). On output, contains local column numbers as described above.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_find_procs_for_externs(int N_update, int *update, int *external , int N_external , int *proc_config, int **extern_proc)

Description __________________________________________________

Determine which processors are responsible for updating each external element. Called by AZ_transform.


extern_proc On output, extern_proc[i] contains the node number of the processor which updates external[i].

Aztec Functions

void AZ_free_memory(int name)


Free Aztec memory associated with matrices with data_org[AZ_name] = name. This is primarily scaling and preconditioning information that has been computed on
earlier calls to AZ_solve.


name On output, all preconditioning and scaling information is freed for matrices which have data_org[AZ name] =name

Aztec Functions


double AZ_gavg_double(double value, int *proc_config )

Description _________________________________________________

Return the average of the numbers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains a double precision number.

Aztec Functions


double AZ_gdot(int N , double *r , double *z , int *proc_config )


Return the dot product of r and z with unit stride. This routine calls the BLAS routine ddot to do the local vector dot product and then uses the global summation
routine AZ_gsum_double to obtain the required global result.


N On input, length of r and z on this processor.
r, z On input, vectors distributed over all the processors.

Aztec Functions
double AZ_gmax_double(double value, int *proc_config )

Description _______________________________________________
Return the maximum of the numbers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains a double precision number.

Aztec Functions

int AZ_gmax_int(int value, int *proc_config )

Description _______________________________________________

Return the maximum of the numbers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains an integer.

Aztec Functions

double AZ_gmax_matrix_norm( double *val , int *indx , int *bindx , int *rpntr , int *cpntr , int *bpntr , int *proc_config, int *data_org)


Returns the maximum matrix norm for the distributed matrix encoded in val, indx, bindx, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr (Section 3).

Aztec Functions


double AZ_gmax_vec(int N , double *vec, int *proc_config )


Return the maximum of all the numbers located in vec[i] (i < N ) on all processors.


vec On input, vec contains a list of numbers.
N On input, length of vec.

Aztec Functions

double AZ_gmin_double(double value, int *proc_config )


Return the minimum of the numbers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains a double precision number.

Aztec Functions

int AZ_gmin_int(int value, int *proc_config )


Return the minimum of the numbers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains an integer.

Aztec Functions


double AZ_gsum_double(double value, int *proc_config )


Return the sum of the numbers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains a double precision number.

Aztec Functions


int AZ_gsum_int(int value, int *proc_config )


Return the sum of the integers in value on all processors.


value On input, value contains an integer.

Aztec Functions


void AZ_gsum_vec_int(int *values, int *wkspace, int length, int *proc_config )


values[i] is set to the sum of the input numbers in values[i] on all processors (i < length).


values On input, values contains a list of integers. On output, values[i] contains the sum of the input values[i] on all the processors.
wkspace On input, workspace array of size length.
length On input,length of values and wkspace.

Aztec Functions

double AZ_gvector_norm(int n, int p, double *x , int *proc_config)


Returns the p norm of the vector x distributed over the processors:

where N is the total number of elements in x over all processors.
NOTE: For the norm, set p = - 1.


n On input, number of update components of x on this processor.
p On input, order of the norm to perform, i.e.,
x On input, vector whose norm will be computed.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_init_quick_find(int *list , int length, int *shift , int *bins )


shift and bins are set so that they can be used with AZ_quick_find. On output, shift satisfies
where range = list[length - 1] - list[0] . The array bins must be of size 2 + length/4 and is set so that

where     .
This routine is used in conjunction with AZ_quick_find. The idea is to use bins to get a good initial guess as to the location of value in list .


list On input, sorted list .
length On input, length of list .
shift On output, shift is set as described in above.
bins On input, array of size 2 + length/4. On output, bins is set as described above.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_invorder_vec(double *x , int *data_org, int *update_index , int *rpntr , double *untrans_x )

Untransform the vector x whose data layout corresponds to a transformed matrix (see AZ_transform or AZ._reorder_matrix) so that the new vector (untrans_x) corresponds to data in the original user-given ordering.


x On input, distributed vector whose data layout corresponds to a transformed matrix.
untrans_x On output, the result of untransforming x so that the data-layout now corresponds to the original ordering
given by the user.

Aztec Functions


void AZ_matvec_mult (double *val , int *indx , int *bindx , int *rpntr , int *cpntr , int *bpntr , double *b, double *c, int exchange_flag, int *data_org )


Perform the matrix-vector multiply

where the matrix A is encoded in val, indx, bindx, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr (Section 3).


b On input, distributed vector to use in multiplication.
NOTE: b should contain data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border] + data_org[AZ_N_external] elements (though external variables stored at the end of the vector do not need to be initialized).
c On output, the result of matrix-vector multiplication.
NOTE: c should contain data_org[AZ_N_internal] + data_org[AZ_N_border] elements.
exchange_flag On input, dictates whether communication needs to oc cur. If exchange_flag == 1, communication occurs. If exchange_flag == 0, no communication occurs.

Aztec Functions


void AZ_msr2vbr( double *val , int *indx , int *rpntr , int *cpntr , int *bpntr , int *bindx , int *bindx2 , double *val2 , int total_blk_rows, int total_blk_cols, int blk_space ,int nz_space, int blk_type)


Convert the DMSR matrix defined in (val2; bindx2) to a DVBR matrix defined in (val, indx, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr, bindx).


val2, bindx2 On input, DMSR arrays holding the matrix to be converted.
cpntr On input, cpntr[i] is the block size of the i^th block in the resulting DVBR matrix. Columns 0 to cpntr[0] - 1 form the first block column, columns cpntr[0] to cpntr[0] + cpntr[1] - 1 form the second block column, etc. On output, cpntr corresponds to the resulting DVBR matrix.
val, indx, rpntr,
bpntr, bindx
On output, DVBR arrays of converted DMSR matrix.
total_blk_rows On input, number of block rows in resulting local VBR matrix.
total_blk_cols On input, number of block columns in resulting local VBR matrix.
blk_space On input, length allocated for bindx and indx.
nz_space On input, length allocated for val.
blk_type On input, if blk_type > 0, indicates that all block rows (and columns) have the same size given by blk_type. If blk_type < 0 , the block rows have different sizes.

Aztec Functions

void AZ_order_ele( int *update_index , int *extern_index , int *N_internal , int *N_border , int N_update, int *bpntr , int *bindx , int *extern_proc, int N_external , int option, int mat_type)


Find orderings for update and external . external are ordered so that elements updated by the same processor are contiguous. If option == AZ_ALL, update are ordered so that the internal components have the lowest numbers followed by the border components. Otherwise, the order of update is unchanged. The ordering information is placed in update_index and extern_index (Section 4). Called by AZ_transform.


N_internal On output, number of internal components on processor.
N_border On output, number of border components on processor.
update_index On output, update_index[i] indicates the local index (or order) of update[i].
extern_index On output, extern_index[i] indicates the new local index (or order) of external[i].
option On input, indicates whether to reorder update.
AZ_ALL Order update and external.
AZ_EXTERNS Order only external elements.
mat_type On input, indicates whether matrix format is MSR (= AZ_MSR_MATRIX) or VBR (= AZ_VBR_MATRIX).

Aztec Functions


void AZ_print_error(int error_code)

Description ___________________________________________

Prints out an error message corresponding to error_code. Typically, error_code is generated by AZ_check_input.

error_code On input, error code generated by AZ_check_input.

Aztec Functions


void AZ_print_out( int *update_index, int *extern_index, int *update, int *external, double *val, int *indx, int *bindx, int *rpntr, int *cpntr, int *bpntr, int *proc_config, int choice, int matrix_type, int N_update, int N_external, int offset )


Print Aztec matrices in one of several formats:

  • choice = AZ_explicit
    Similar to AZ_global_mat except (I, J ) are interpreted differently. If used on an AZ_transformed matrix and NULL is passed instead of update, (I,J ) are the local rows and columns on this processor. If used before AZ_transform and update is passed, (I, J ) correspond to the global matrix numbering.
    NOTE: update_index, extern_index, update, external, and N_external are only used for the AZ_global_mat option. Also, if set to NULL, cpntr is not printed or used.

  • Aztec Functions
    void AZ_processor_info(int *proc_config)


    proc_config[AZ_node] is set to the node name of this processor. proc_config[AZ_N_proc] is set to the number of processors used in simulation.

    Aztec Functions


    int AZ_quick_find(int key, int *list , int length, int shift , int *bins )


    Return the index, i, in list (assumed to be sorted) which matches the key (i.e. list[i] = key). If key is not found AZ_quick_find returns -1.
    NOTE: This version is faster than AZ_find_index but requires bins to be set and stored using AZ_init_quick_find.


    Aztec Functions


    Read the file .data and create a matrix in the MSR format. Processor 0 reads the input file. If the new row to be added resides in processor 0's update, it is added to processor 0's matrix. Otherwise, processor 0 determines which processor has requested this row and sends it to this processor for its local matrix.
    The form of the input file is as follows:

    This input corresponds to two rows: 0 and 1. Row 0 contains entry1 in column col_num1, entry2 in column col_num2 and entry3 in column col_num3. Row 1 contains entry4 in column col_num4, entry5 in column col_num5 and entry6 in column col_num6. When using exponential notation, `E' or `e' should be used instead of `D' or `d'. Additionally, it is important that row and column numbers be labelled from 0 to n-1 and not 1 to n where n is the number of rows.

    NOTE: Spacing and carriage returns are not important.

    NOTE: AZ_read_msr_matrix() is inefficient for large matrices. It is, however, possible to read binary files. In particular, if Aztec is compiled with a -Dbinary option, `.data' must contain binary integers and binary double precision numbers in the same form as above except without spaces or carriage returns between numbers. Since binary formats are not standard, `.data' should be created using a `C' program via fread() and fwrite() executed on the same machine as Aztec.


    Aztec Functions


    This routine initializes update to the global indices updated by this processor and initializes N_update to the total number of elements to be updated.


    Aztec Functions


    Reorder the matrix so that it corresponds to the new ordering given by update_index and extern_index . Specifically, global matrix entry (update[i], update[j]) which was stored as local matrix entry (i, j) is stored as (update_index[i], update_index[j]) on output. Likewise, global matrix entry (update[i], external[k]) which was stored as local matrix entry (i, k + N_update) is stored locally as (update_index[i], extern_index[k]) on output. Called by AZ_transform.
    IMPORTANT: This routine assumes that update_index contains two sequences of numbers that are ordered but intertwined. For example,

    See also AZ_reorder_vec and AZ_invorder_vec to tranform the right hand side and solution vectors.


    Aztec Functions


    void AZ_reorder_vec(double *x , int *data_org, int *update_index , int *rpntr )


    Transform the vector x whose data layout corresponds to the user-given ordering (i.e. x[i] corresponds to global vector element x[update[i]]) so that now the data corresponds to a transformed matrix (see AZ_transform or AZ._reorder_matrix).

    Aztec Functions


    Initialize data_org so that local communications can occur to support matrix vector products. This includes:

    Called by AZ_transform.
    NOTE: Implicitly the neighbors are numbered using the ordering of the external elements (which have been previously ordered such that elements updated by the same processor are contiguous).


    Aztec Functions


    Solve the system of equations Ax = b via an iterative method where the matrix A is encoded in indx, bindx, rpntr, cpntr, bpntr and val (see Section 3 and Section 2).


    Aztec Functions

    void AZ_sort(int *list1 , int N , int *list2 , double *list3 )


    Sort the elements in list1 . Additionally, move the elements in list2 and list3 so that they correspond with the moves done to list . NOTE: If list2 == NULL, list2 is not manipulated. If list3 == NULL, list3 is not manipulated.


    Aztec Functions


    Convert the global matrix description to a distributed local matrix format (see Section 2 and Section 6.4). See also AZ_reorder_vec and AZ_invorder_vec to tranform the right hand side and solution vectors.


    stAztec Functions