CLUSILE (3sciport)


  Call CLUSILE( n, x, incx, itarget, index, nn )


  n               Integer.
                  The number of elements to be searched.

  x               Integer vector.
                  The integer input vector to be searched.

  incx            Integer.
                  The increment between elements of vector x. For contiguous
                  elements, incx = 1.

  itarget         Integer.
                  The target value searched for in array x.

  index           Integer vector.
                  An output integer vector containing pairs of indices. The
                  first member of each pair holds the starting index of a
                  cluster of elements in vector x that are less than or equal
                  to target. The second member of each pair contains the
                  ending index of a cluster.

  nn              Integer.
                  The number of clusters found in vector x.


  Subroutine CLUSILE returns the locations of clusters of elements within
  vector x that are less than or equal to target. Cluster locations are
  recorded in integer vector index as pairs of beginning and ending indices.

  For equations and other information, see Volume 3: UNICOS Math and
  Scientific Library Reference Manual SR-2081 7.0, Cray Research, Inc.

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