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2.10.1 Controlling the Viewport


The viewport transformation is determined by the viewport's width and height in pixels, and , respectively, and its center (also in pixels). The vertex's window coordinates, , are given by

The factor and offset applied to encoded by n and f are set using

void DepthRange ( clampd n, clampd f ) ;

Each of n and f are clamped to lie within , as are all arguments of type clampd or clampf. is taken to be represented in fixed-point with at least as many bits as there are in the depth buffer of the framebuffer. We assume that the fixed-point representation used represents each value , where , as k (e.g. 1.0 is represented in binary as a string of all ones).

Viewport transformation parameters are specified using

void Viewport ( int x, int y, sizei w, sizei h ) ;

where x and y give the x and y window coordinates of the viewport's lower-left corner and w and h give the viewport's width and height, respectively. The viewport parameters shown in the above equations are found from these values as and ; , .

Viewport width and height are clamped to implementation-dependent maximums when specified. The maximum width and height may be found by issuing an appropriate Get  command (see Chapter 6). The maximum viewport dimensions must be greater than or equal to the visible dimensions of the display being rendered to. INVALID_VALUE is generated if either w or h is negative.

The state required to implement the viewport transformation is 6 integers. In the initial state, w and h are set to the width and height, respectively, of the window into which the GL is to do its rendering. and are set to and , respectively. n and f are set to and , respectively.

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David Blythe
Sat Mar 29 02:23:21 PST 1997